E-Z-TECH Computers is doing everything possible to continue to offer service to our valued clients. We have implemented a sanitizing protocol, social distancing and encouraging anyone who is not feeling 100% to please reconsider visiting us. We will try to keep the store open until mandated by government to close. We have changed our hours to only be open during the week and use the weekends to recharge and monitor our own health situation. As long as people follow the rules and protocols set forward by the different government levels and heath regulators, we are hoping that this pandemic can be overcome.
We encourage all of our friends and clients to support the small business community and help keep us around. So far the support programs being offered are falling short of providing the support we need to keep our businesses viable.Your support is needed. Most of all be smart and be safe everyone.   

Microsoft phone call scam

It seems like the con artists are back at it again.  If someone calls you and says that they are from Microsoft immediately hang up the phone.  Microsoft is a billion dollar corporation and doesn't call random people to tell them that their computer is infected.  Generally they will tell you that your computer is infected and that they can clean it up for you remotely.  Once you follow their directions and give them access to your PC the con artist will generally load some junkware that "indicates" how infected you are.  After a bit of poking around they will tell you that it will cost $XXX. XX to fix it and that they accept credit card over the phone. If you have received this call and actually allowed the caller remote access to your PC bring it to us immediately so we can rid it of all the junk ware and spyware that they may have installed.  It is also recommended that you change passwords and contact your bank or credit card company if you gave them that information.

The images below show you different pop up windows we have seen to entice you to call them.